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Nothing changes hearts like God’s Word.
Help get it into people’s hands

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I want to Sponsor:

Sponsoring a church means your sponsorship donation will be assigned only to orders from members of that church or ministry. When a member associated with that church asks for sponsorship, your funds will be assigned to cover the costs of that order, providing people within that worship community with Gospel resources they can use to share their faith.

Church to sponsor:




I’m ready to sponsor Gospels

Every gift of $25.00 (USD) will sponsor 30 Gospels to reach the lost. We'll send you stories from those you've sponsored. To make a sponsorship gift, indicate the number of Gospels you wish to donate, then click the "Sponsor Now" button.

Gift frequency:

Pemberian satu kali     Sumbangan berulang

Silakan tuliskan seberapa sering Anda ingin menyumbang dan kapan Anda ingin memulai.

Catatan: Anda dapat mengedit atau membatalkan jenis pemberian ini kapan pun.


Mingguan     Setiap dua minggu
Bulanan     Setiap tiga bulan    Tahunan

Tanggal pemberian pertama:

Because it's not always possible to match your evangelism focus, after 180 days any remaining part of focused donations will be used for general sponsorship.

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