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“I Wish You Were Mine!”

1 Corinthians 3:18

Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise.

Thoughts for Today:

In her book titled, "The Whisper Test," Mary Ann Bird wrote, "I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started school, my classmates made it clear to me how I looked to others: a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and garbled speech. When schoolmates asked, 'What happened to your lip?' I'd tell them I'd fallen and cut it on a piece of glass. Somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. I was convinced that no one outside my family could love me. There was, however, a teacher in the second grade whom we all adored--Mrs. Leonard by name. She was short, round, happy--a sparkling lady. Annually we had a hearing test...Mrs. Leonard gave the test to everyone in the class, and finally it was my turn. I knew from past years that as we stood against the door and covered one ear, the teacher sitting at her desk would whisper something, and we would have to repeat it back--things like 'The sky is blue' or 'Do you have new shoes?' I waited there for those words that God must have put into her mouth, those seven words that changed my life. Mrs. Leonard said, in her whisper, 'I wish you were my little girl.'"

God says to every person deformed by sin, "I wish you were my son," or "I wish you were my daughter." If you haven't already done so, become a child of God today. He alone has the power to heal our crippled bodies and broken hearts. In our passage today, Paul tells us to not be deceived -- we must become fools to be wise. I am saved because I am a fool for Christ, are you?

Questions to Ponder:

If not saved by the blood of Jesus, we are crippled by sin. There is no way that God can live in a body that is contaminated with sin. But once we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, all the sin we have ever committed is forgiven by God. We are washed clean, re-born as a child of God, and become a new creation in Christ. If you haven't done so before, follow these steps:

1. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (John 3:16, John 8:24).

2. Repent of your sin and ask forgiveness from God (Luke 13:3, 1 John 1:9).

3. Confess your faith, belief and trust in Jesus (Matthew 10:32, Romans 10:9).

4. Live faithfully to the end (Revelations 2:10).

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About the author

Pocket Devotions are written by Mike Brooks. A retired businessman, he is Moderator of South Shores church, leads the Deacon Board, serves on the finance committee, and he teaches a Men's Bible study and the Men's Ministry. Mike has a passion for evangelical missions. He is the husband of Sherry; the father of Ryan, Natalie, Krissy, Rebecca, and Amanda; the father-in-law of Ariel; and the grandfather of Conner and Christian.